In mid-June, the HHS Administration on Community Living (ACL) released proposed rules to modernize regulations governing Older Americans Act (OAA) programs. The OAA has undergone multiple congressional reauthorizations since the most recent regulatory updates in 1988. This proposed rulemaking was intended to align the regulatory framework with statutory requirements that have been updated over the years. The proposal included many laudable updates including more flexibility to better align programs with changing technology and preferences of recipients. LeadingAge is concerned with an update that would require all contracts and commercial engagements undertaken by Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) to be reviewed and approved by state units on aging (SUAs). LeadingAge fears that this intrusion into AAA business could cause unnecessary administrative burdens and delays. By further complicating service delivery, we are concerned some AAAs will reduce their contractual agreements and limit services. We urge ACL to reconsider their interpretation and revert to the previously accepted standard of approving only AAA contracts for OAA services. Read LeadingAge’s comment.

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Kylee Childs, MSW, is the Director of Government Affairs.Since joining the association in 2023, she continues to be a fierce and resourceful advocate for aging services in Kansas. Her professional focus has always been service to others through advocacy. Kylee has a master’s degree in social work from the University of Missouri-Columbia, a bachelor's degree in criminology with a minor in Conflict Analysis and Trauma studies from Kansas State University, and a certificate in Grant Proposal Writing from Fort Hays State University. With a professional background in law enforcement and child welfare, and a successful 2023 legislative practicum with the Children's Alliance of Kansas, she brings rich professional experience to her role as Director of Government Affairs, and a front-line perspective on the needs of health and human services providers in our state. When not working, she's spending time with her two daughters. You can reach Kylee directly at 785.670.8051.