The National Investment Center has released its latest executive survey results, known as WAVE 47. Smaller organizations (those with fewer than 9 properties) were more likely to be considering portfolio diversification into low acuity services, and 25% of respondents indicated they were planning to downsize or shutter their SNFs and/or short-term rehab facilities over the next 12 months. Larger organizations, defined as those with 26 or more properties, were overwhelmingly not considering diversification at all (78%), with only 22% considering expanding into low acuity services and none considering adding higher acuity/ SNF settings. In terms of care segment changes in the next 12 months, the majority were considering expanding into active adult (53%) or IL (49%) settings, with 24% planning to downsize SNF and 12% planning to downsize short term rehab. Independent Living providers continued to report a steady deceleration (26%) of move-ins, as seen in the last four WAVE Surveys. Reasons for this continued deceleration included a slow down in leads and sales, family member considers, routine seasonality and natural disasters. SNF providers, on the other hand, reported a slight acceleration of move-ins, at 33%. Survey participants this time represented 46 senior living providers across the country – both for and not for profit, and roughly 30% of those were Life Plan Communities.