CDC Updates Vaccination Timelines
CDC now states that a 3–8-week interval between doses of the Pfizer vaccine in a primary series may be optimal for certain individuals, especially for males 12-39 years old. This information can be found here. This change may impact compliance with the CMS vaccine mandate. While CMS will defer to CDC guidance on vaccination intervals, individuals should work with their clinicians to determine the optimal vaccination interval and corresponding length of “temporary delay” in meeting staff vaccination requirements.


What Does KDADS Expect About “Additional Precautions”?
The newest CMS QSO which has requirements for developing “additional precautions that are intended to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 by staff who are not yet fully vaccinated, have vaccination pending or have been granted exemptions.” Some members report that private consultants are communicating specific strategies that KDADS expects to be implemented. However, according to KDADS Commissioner Lacey Hunter, “KDADS has not included any extra precaution expectations. Facilities should utilize QSO 22-09-ALL the long term care attachment and the Omnibus FAQ for guidance on this topic.”  

Battelle Update
Reminder: Upcoming transition from KDHE-supported contract laboratories to routine testing with Battelle Midwest Coordination Center on March 31st. Read more here.

There are now less than 6 weeks remaining prior to the deadline. Given Battelle’s onboarding process can take about 4 weeks, if you’re interested in continued routine testing support, please sign up as soon as possible to ensure coverage. As of February 25th, 158 facilities had registered. See list here.

  • Midwest Coordination Center Info here.
  •  If your community has secured an alternative testing option, please let KDADS know here.

Recording from February 24th KDHE Webinar on Outpatient Treatment for COVID-19
Watch the 2/24/2022 Anti-Virals and Therapeutics for COVID recording here. Download the Handouts.


Special Thanks to Katie Sloan Joins Us For Our Weekly Webinar Last Friday
Listen to the recording here. Download the handouts here.

If you haven’t registered for future calls, you can do so here.


National Communication to HHS Last Week
LeadingAge national sent a letter to HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra urging a thorough and expeditious review of the science and data to determine when healthcare setting recommendations can be reconciled with this new endemic approach. Read the letter here. Read more about the changes here. Read Katie Smith Sloan’s statement here.