Provider Relief Fund Survey
According to HHS, roughly $24 billion remains in the Provider Relief Fund general pot, as well as an additional $8.5 billion set aside for rural providers from the American Relief Plan. Without further Congressional action to appropriate more, this will be the end of the funds. We need your help to make the case to Congress about how much more you need. Please fill out this survey to find out the effect the Provider Relief Fund has had on your organization and how much more you might need to get through the pandemic. Question? Please contact Nicole Fallon.


Recording of Friday Webinar
Listen to the recording and download the handouts.

If you aren’t registered for our webinars, you can do so here. They are a must attend and keep you on top of everything going on regarding COVID and now the 2021 Legislative Session.


Update Calls This Week to Feature Discussions of Isolation and the Johnson and Johnson Vaccine 
Join us on Monday, March 22 at 3:30 PM Eastern time for the latest policy updates and a conversation on a program to engage residents and alleviate the impact of isolation. Amber Carroll of COVIA will discuss the Well-Connected program, that has attracted 80% of residents. On Wednesday, CDC staffer Sara Oliver will join us to answer questions about the Johnson and Johnson vaccine and discuss what it might mean for aging services communities. Program not finalized for Thursday. If you haven’t registered for the calls, you can join here.

Recap of Service Line Updates from Prior Week