KDADS has received reports that callers are not able reach the Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation Hotline via phone. KDADS is working diligently with its internal Information Technology department and its service provider ATT to resolve the issue. Please continue to report suspected cases of Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation in an adult care home, medical facility or home health agency to the hotline via fax or email while these issues are being resolved. Please visit KDADS website for a copy of the information typically captured on a call. We encourage callers to review this document and include as much information as possible in their fax or email report. The report must contain the facility name and address. KDADS Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation Fax Number: (785) 296-0256. KDADS Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation Email: kdads.complainthotline@ks.gov