E-learning with connected gear cogs connected diagram virtual dashboard.top view of Designer hand working with laptop computer on wooden desk as responsive web design concept

The year’s presentation is “Limiting Exposure in the Litigation Arena” featuring real-life case examples.

Every provider’s “arena” is unique. For some, it may be a hurried emergency room. While for others, it’s a quiet place where they provide solace to a dying patient. Your arena is filled with triumphs every day — but when litigation arises, those triumphs can feel like defeats. According to the American Medical Association, more than one in three physicians will be involved in a claim during their careers.

August 25th at 6 PM
August 26th at 12 PM
September 1st at 6 PM
September 3rd at 12 PM

Open from August 15th to September 30th at 11:59 PM.

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