Join us this Friday for our Weekly Webinar
We are gearing up for our Friday Webinar Updating members on all things COVID-19. Particularly, we will be discussing updates on PPE, rate increases, regional surge plans and point of care testing.
Make sure to register to join us .
Items discussed during our weekly meeting with KDADS on Tuesday:
- The Agency continues to work on a plan to provide PPE to adult care homes. There are several elements that still need to be decided. They predict that a plan will be implemented in late September and that they will be able to provide some in-the-meantime recommendations for where to procure PPE prior to that.
- Work continues on the KDADS/KDHE plan to calculate and distribute the $20 PRD for 120 days to nursing homes. There is no projected date of sending checks out at this point. Continued questioning and advocacy by the Associations will be necessary to “get it right.”
- The Associations conveyed questions/request for clarifications about the Agency policies for surveyors related to COVID-19. More details at our webinar on Friday.
COVID-19 Update
KDHE’s COVID-19 update for August 5 is now available https://www.coronavirus.kdheks.gov/. Here is the summary COVID-19 Summary. The case rate, which continues to climb, stands at 10.22 positives per 1,000 Kansans. There are 45 active long term care outbreaks as of today.
Additionally, please be aware that the governor’s office has a dashboard to link not only to the KDHE COVID website as well other Kansas specific pages: https://covid.ks.gov/.
- Point-of-Care Testing Q&A.
- New & Extended Provider Relief Fund Opportunities.
- HUD Answers COVID-19 Payment Request Questions.
Register for Tomorrow’s COVID-19 and Your Workforce Webinar
The pandemic has created new legal challenges for aging services employers. In the COVID-19 Employment Law Update: Reopening the Workplace webinar, Daniel Burke and Lyndsey Barnett will review the latest in employment and benefits guidance for continuing to operate during COVID-19. Register to join us TOMORROW at 1-2 PM. CT.