Careers in Aging Services Week is right around the corner! We hope you participate and help us raise the image of our field and help recruit new individuals into our field. Here are a few ideas that you could do during the week:

  • Host a Shadow Day – invite students to your organization to shadow your employees. Focus on Nursing, administration, accounting, dietary, IT, etc.
  • Host an Open House – invite students to your organization to learn about your organization and have departments set up booths or tables to provide information on what they do. Include prizes, games, etc.
  • Go to local schools and talk to students about the field – bring information and people from your organization that are most passionate about their jobs
  • Get together with other members in your area and host a job fair – highlight the great things about working with older people
  • Write a guest opinion piece for your local paper about working in the field. Highlight your organization and your great team
  • Launch a social media push throughout the week – dedicate your social media posts to Careers in Aging Services. Post highlights of different jobs and people within your organization

Learn more. If you are interested in participating with us, contact Dana Weaver at